"Viva Las Girls, an old-fashioned but up-to-date-as-they-come show is in residence at the Little Hippodrome dinner theater in E. 56th St. and it is something to see. The show is mostly dancing. [The girls are] fetchingly displayed and they can even dance a lot. Quite a lot."
– Daily News, October 23, 1975
"Viva Las Girls [is] a new show Joe Cavalier presented with Trudy Been, Georgie Guy, Joanne Telasco and William Daniel Grey. It took us back to the Copa and Latin Quarter... [but] better dancers."
– New York Post, October 28, 1975
Students are booking international tours and regional broadway shows; former students credits are the movies Turning Point and Grease/Vegas showgirls and circus acts, and have done supper clubs, yiddish theater, off-broadway, received college scholarships through dance, and and have joined Netherland's Ballet Company and Elliot Feld Ballet Company.
Contact our dance studio in Hicksville, New York, to become a more graceful dancer.